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An Ordo Amoris Community

Writer's pictureRobyn Doyle

Mother Culture December: Glory to the Newborn King

We attended my nephews’ carols concert this week, and I am not ashamed to say that it brought me to tears. There is something so beautiful about children gustily singing about Christ incarnate. He truly does deserve our attention and our praise for always.

This time of year, as most of us finish with school and turn our gaze to Christmas time and the holidays, can be a mixed bag of emotions. As much as we look forward to the feasting, the family gatherings, the traditions etc., it can also be a very worrying time for people financially and relationally. It can also be a very difficult time for people who are grieving the loss of a person close to them. The stress of navigating and wrapping presents and the dynamics of the season can wear us thin. On one hand, we are trying to relax, as this is our big “holiday” time, but there are so many things to get to. I feel like this time of year, when we are already tired after a full year of work, followed by this busy season, can truly show how “made of clay” we really are.

Candle holders spelling the word JOY David Orsborne

Yet, 2000 years ago, Jesus came down into this “clay” for us. So that in every way He could identify with us and always be with us. Jesus also knows the pain of loss, of suffering, of many demanding His attention, of betrayal, and of other relational and physical difficulties that are common to man. He didn’t come to earth just to find commonality with humanity, but rescue and redeem us. He came so that we may be forgiven of our sins, and have relationship restored with the Father, so that in Him, we may have life, and life abundant.

I have been thinking so much of Mary’s prayer:

Mary's Song of Praise: The Magnificat

And Mary said,

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

Luke 1 vs 46-55

Carved nativity scene Jessica Lewis

1) Prepare Him Room!

When we look at Mary’s response to this great call over her life, we see her lift her gaze from herself and start out with recognising who God is, what He has done, how He has chosen to use her and her humble estate before Him. If anything is going to help us to get through this holiday and Christmas time and help us to enjoy it and serve others with joy, we need to fix our eyes on the Lord and His immense goodness to us. No matter if there is no money for presents or a huge feast this year, no matter if our holiday plans have fallen through, even if you have lost a loved one, we are rich, because we are offered personal intimacy with the Father, and an ongoing relationship with Him, and His presence with us in the everyday trials of life. He is the Pearl of great price. Above all, Mary recognised that she would forever be blessed, not because of who she was, or because of how she responded in this situation, although in my opinion, her reaction was amazing, considering what she had just been told would happen to her! Mary realised that she would be blessed because she would carry the Son of God in Her womb and be a vessel that He would use to bring about His eternal plans. We get to carry His Spirit in us all the time and can be used for His eternal purposes if we keep our eyes on Him and keep His greatness always before us, and our lowly position, in the fact that we cannot bring any gift of worth to Him, except to make our lives available to Him and allow Him to lead us.

Rustic Christmas tree against a wall Pascal Claivaz

2) Repeat the Sounding Joy

In the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas time comes for them during the middle of the school year, when it may be argued it is easier to get all things “things done” because you are already in the swing of things. In Southern Africa, however, we are trying to balance our resting with our celebrating. We can view this as a challenge or as an opportunity. I love having time to focus on the Christmas story, and Advent and truly being able to stop most of the “busy” of the year to focus on this long-awaited Messiah. It gives us time to bake together, listen to carols, read the bible, and prepare our hearts. May I also encourage myself, and you here, that simple can be, and is almost always better. Our families would far prefer to have the relationship with you, than to constantly have a stressed out, busy mom, trying to make all the Christmas things perfect. I am reminded of Mary and Martha in this case, we can allow all the busyness to distract us from the true meaning and connection of Christmas, or we can use the things that need to be done, to deepen our relationship with Him, to see Him in every expectant little face and to serve and love our tribes in the best way we can, with Him enabling us with His love and grace.

Decorations on a Christmas tree Gary Spears

3) Good Tidings of Great Joy

It never fails to astound me that all through this season, songs are played in every mall, and every radio station, that magnify our great King. We can use this time to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, incarnate- Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Who doesn’t need to be reminded of these deep truths again!? Remind yourself, your husband, your children and reach over your fence, Mama. Invite those who are lonely, broken, disgruntled, sad, bitter . . . let us go, as Jesus came to us, to those who are often overlooked. Can you bring your children along too? Bake some cookies and take them to an elderly friend. Go and serve at a soup kitchen. Host a Christmas dinner and invite those who have none. Buy some toys for a family who will be unable to provide for their families. Pray for your neighbours. As the Star brightly shone, and showed us that Christ had come to earth, so let us shine like stars this Christmas time into a dark and lost world. May they truly see the love, care, and acceptance of Jesus, through our loving ways.

My prayer is that you will all have a wonderful rest, physically and emotionally, but also that you will know deep soul rest as you again focus on the wonder and delight of this Christmas story. A more incredible story has never been told and we are His ransomed and redeemed. May you be enveloped in His love for you, your families, and the world this Christmastime and always. He is forever “God with us!”

If this blog has encouraged you, I have created these Mother Culture Sheets for you as you focus on this Christmas time and take some time to rest, contemplate and restore. I hope you enjoy the selections!


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