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An Ordo Amoris Community

Writer's pictureAngelique Knaup

Ode to Motherhood

mother sitting on a bench with son and daughter

Moms also need to be encouraged, infused with hope and spurred on to keep doing good. When we are encouraged, we put courage into our children's hearts to cherish and love them, remembering that they are only with us for a short time and that they eventually go into the world to do the Father's great works.

So with these thoughts in mind, here is my ode to you, mothers everywhere.

An Ode to a Mother's Love

Love is gentle and never gives up.

Mom, you speak with calm authority and love deeply even when there is heartache and pain.

Love cares more for others than for itself.

Mom, you know what it means to care for your child even when you have to forgo those new shoes you need because your only other pair looks shabby.

Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect nor selfishly seek its own honour.

Mom, when your child has misbehaved, your love doesn't shame her into doing better, and you show her the respect due to her as a child of God.

Love is not easily irritated; it doesn't keep score of the sins of others,

Mom, your love is not easily annoyed by your child, you forgive him readily and don't count up all his sins.

Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong.

Mom, you take pleasure in teaching honesty and truth to your child, and you carefully watch out for any bad habits of thought forming. You partner with the Lord in prayer and supplication to develop the deep loves of your child's heart and mind.

Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others.

Mom, you are a safe place for your child, and you always believe the best of them.

You don't take failure as defeat, for you never give up.

You never stop loving.

It's who you are!

(I paraphrased 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 the Message and The Passion Translation)

When You Feel Discouraged By Your Mothering Skills

Remember that you are not your own but belong to God: you are a daughter of the most high King. Lay your life down in obedience to Him, and you will be able to do all things through Christ Jesus.

Remember: Nothing you do is too small! Whether you are nursing the baby, wiping a snotty nose, singing a song you learnt from your mom, or saying the night-night prayers — you are doing it all unto the Lord. It all matters, Mom. You are in the middle of significant spiritual work. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I'd like you to put your hands out in front of you. The Lord has filled them with His seeds; all you are required to do is plant them. They may grow into giant trees. He can accomplish great things from the little we offer in obedience to Him.

He Will Be Your Teacher!

Many of us are not prepared for this vocation of motherhood. I know I wasn't! All sorts of things came to the surface, and a glaring version of myself appeared: I could also throw all my toys out the cot (so to speak), shout like a 'crazy' lady because a job was left undone, or whine and complain with ingratitude.

Motherhood has been a Journey of Sanctification!

It has taught me to run to Father God, repent my behaviour, rejoice in Him, and start over again. For He is LOVE, and I am created in His image to KNOW, LOVE, and GLORIFY Him.

And this is my desire: To Mother For His Glory.

And in this desire, I find my purpose as a mom. What is that purpose? To teach my children to enjoy the Father, love and glorify Him in all they do: to turn their hearts toward their God. According to St. Augustine, Aristotle and C. S. Lewis: we must teach them to love what is lovely and hate what is evil. These great teachers echo the truth that Paul wrote in Phil. 4: 8 (again, I have taken the liberty to paraphrase), "Finally, mothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, [teach your children to] think about these things."

How Do We Teach them What is Lovely?

I fondly remember my mother putting on the record player (that fact shows my age, right?!) and dancing with us until we were too tired to dance anymore. Mom prepared lavish weekend breakfasts, served on the veranda where the early morning sun made its slow ascent into the sky. She knows how to bring beauty into everything in the home.

It's in the little seeds.

I have two sons, that are 26 and 22 years old. I asked them what they most fondly remember about their childhood. The older one said he remembers Christmas: the nightly advent readings as we sat around the table and lit a candle each evening, eating homemade biscuits, and preparing our hearts in anticipation of remembrance of the birth of the Christ Child.

My second son has fond memories of our evening family reading times, where he'd pretend that he had fallen asleep on the sofa, and we'd carry him to bed — joining in the pretence.

It's in the simple things:

It's in the outburst of a song because the conversation triggered a memory of songs you learnt as a child.

It's in preparing a cup of coffee for a teen who opens up about their heart's yearnings. Even if it means giving up your morning-slash-evening devotional, the Lord won't be upset with you! Remember, relationships are His business.

It's in taking time to watch that children's movie for the umpteenth time — 'Finding Nemo', anyone! — or to read the same book again and again and again. I've done that for a little boy that wanted to read the same two stories for a couple of years of his toddlerhood — one of them was David and Goliath (a giant slayer in the making).

It's about helping the child who struggles to keep his room tidy; you never know, maybe 'acts of service' are his love language, and you may just be filling his love tank — opening the doors to that heart-to-heart conversation you've been longing for.

It's in preparing that simple meal and calling everyone to the table, creating an atmosphere of love, honour and friendship.

2 Chronicles 9:3-6

It's Him in You.

So, "do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season you will reap, if you do not give up. So then, as you have opportunity, do good to everyone, and especially to those who are in your household of faith."

Galatians 6:9-10

He Celebrates You, Mom. You are His Beloved.


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