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An Ordo Amoris Community

Writer's pictureAngelique Knaup

The Daily Practice of Hope

"Little drops of water,

Little grains of sand,

Make the mighty ocean

And the pleasant land.

So the little moments,

Humble though they be,

Make the mighty ages

Of Eternity."

― Julia A.F. Carney

citizenship collage

This week, Sarah posted the following to our Social Media pages:

"Signs of citizenship! As I voted this week, it brought to light the many other ways in which we have participated in the building of our country just this week. Pictured here are: making cards to welcome new babies in our community; reading the proverbs daily and heeding the call to pursue the ways of the wise; small entrepreneurship efforts; reading of our country's past; reading of another country's past; and, of course, participating in democracy. 

Whenever I vote, I feel very small and ineffective, but looking at the long lines of people reminds me how small things really do build to make great wholes. It is the same with looking at this image of all these small efforts, which really do build to make a great whole. A whole life lived in humility, acts of service, and a desire to better understand, can be broken down into lots of very small and seemingly insignificant parts, but truly does build a beautiful and significant whole."

In a recent episode of Lectio 365, Melba Maggay, a Filipina writer and social anthropologist, was quoted as saying, "Often it is in the many small acts of integrity and goodness that many faceless men and women do every day… It is this daily practice of hope which keeps most of us going, keeping the monsters at bay as humbly and powerfully we are caught up in the kingdom fire and the stubborn grace that shines at the heart of existence.'

Wow! To think we are practicing hope, and making mighty oceans and pleasant lands with our daily drops and grains of integrity and goodness. When we remain in Christ, we co-labour with Him to fight back the monsters and make the 'mighty ages of eternity'!


Soli Deo Gloria.


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